08 July, 2009

The trick to life

Life, in nature, is full of uncertainties. You can never tell what will happen tomorrow on the basis of what just happened today. The best thing we could only do is hope and look forward to whatever tomorrow might bring. Everyday we take risks, and sometimes, these risks are left unnoticed. All decisions made-may it be major or minor decisions- are risks taken. We just don't know the impact it would create in our lives.

The trick is this: yes, we do live in a world of insecurities and doubts, and we are all vulnerable to all sorts of mistakes, no matter how loud your IQ test shouts how intelligent you are. But to be able to learn from these mistakes, that's the challenge to us. Life is a win-win situation. We might not get what we want. We might want to give up on problems we think inconceivable to human capabilities. But actually, when we fail, we acquire something. It is wisdom. Wisdom of learning from mistakes, and avoiding what could happen by simply recalling what happened from the past, and wisdom of intuition as to learning from second-hand experience. We might not get all our wishes granted, but we nourish our spirits with wisdom incomparable to anything.