"No" is a word that must never be negotiated, because the person who chooses not to hear it is trying to control you… Declining to hear "no" is a signal that someone is either seeking control or refusing to relinquish it.
When you're trying to be good all along, when you're trying to reach out for friends when they need your help, sometimes, all you get is nothing but disappointment. It's not that you expect something in return. It's just that, when your trying to be nice and all, sometimes, those people whom you consider your friends- friends whom you entrust a part of you, if not your entire life- are also the one who makes you break your trust in them. I realized this when I lent a friend my scientific calculator just this week. I did not hesitate to let her borrow mine since I happen to have it with me and she looked like she needed it badly. Then last thursday, I was trying to contact her so that I could have my calculator back the following day because I have two classes which requires its use. God knows how many times I tried to call and text her. Not even a word I heard from her from that day on. Yesterday, I was very desperate. I called her again, but the beep says her line is busy. So I asked my other friend if she could call her. She called her, and guess what? My phone rang. We were both puzzled why my phone was ringing. CRAP. The friend whom I lent my scientific calculator diverted her calls to my phone. Meaning to say, she's really avoiding me. and I hate her for doing that. Im really disappointed. I'd be more cool if she tells honestly if she broke it or lost it. But no, she chose to reject all my phone calls and texts. A few hours later, that friend texted my other friend who called her. So I assume she really had no excuse that she cannot respond to my messages because obviously she can reply to my messages but she chose not to. And it aggravated my disappointment. Very disappointing. I lent her my calculator wholeheartedly, but why did she do that? Call me shallow, ok, but this isn't about the calculator. This is a matter of trust. Hell knows I'm trying to be a good friend to her.
The sad truth is, when you're being good, there are some people who could abuse your goodness. How many times had I been a victim of this fact, but I never learned because I want to help the people who need my aid. I guess my other friend is right, sometimes I have to say no. Think first of yourself. It's not bad to say no, especially when you're putting yourself to a difficult situation. Plus, saying yes to all favors will make the people dependent on you. It's also my fault why this happened.
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